Sunday, August 08, 2004

Remembering the Falcons

Hola, everyone. I hope this blog finds you healthy and in good spirits.

I'm actually kinda sad, as yesterday was my very last day to see my mental health kiddos. You know, they are soooooooooo defiant and annoying thru the entire summer, that some days I would just like to grab em around their little necks and...ya know, squeeze as hard as I can...but at that very last breaking moment, something just comes over me and takes those frustrations away...and then, I start feeling guilty for ever having those thoughts of wanting to choke that little boy who just tried to put a fork thru my cheek or that little girl who wrote on the chalkboard, "Sarah is an a**hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she's going to burn in hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!" lol (yes, those are serious examples.) It's amazing how one look in their eyes allows you to realize that they never chose to have their idiotic parents; they didn't ask to be sexually and physically abused; they didn't ask their mom to drink while she was pregnant; they didn't ask their dad to commit suicide...and they didn't ask for the cards that life has dealt them at such a young age. Call me a sucker, but my heart goes out to these kids, and after spending 12 hours a day with them for 3 months, you get pretty well attached to them. It was really hard to say goodbye yesterday.

We decided to make it as fun as possible. We had a closing ceremony where we gave each child an award of some type, most athletic (the kid who ran away the fastest from the cops) , most talkative (the girl who loved to curse at all the staff), most inquisitive (the boy who continuously asked questions like "Sarah, why can't I pee in my pants?") and so get the point. Anyhow, they loved it...they were all smiling, and we only had one kid in our class who got mad and broke the centerpiece vase in the middle of the table...quite an accomplishment, let me tell ya! So after we gave out awards to the kids, we let our kids give awards to each staff member. While I was expecting to get an award for "Miss A**hole" or "Meanest Staff Member", I was certainly surprised when they called out my name, followed by "Funniest Person in the World!!!!" And allll the kids just laughed their little hearts was so cute, and I was sooo relieved. The funny thing is...I can't remember a single time when I was funny or made them laugh, so I'm beginning to wonder if it wasn't an insult after all lol

So that was my highlight of the week, even though I was sad to see them all go...

and now..summer is coming to an end...which means I have some big decisions to be making...grad school or no grad school? work or no work? New car or new savings account for spoling my future niece/nephew? California or Virginia? Any advice is greatly appreciated! ;)

~Dedicated to my Summer of Soaring with the "FALCONS"


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